Learning and unlearning are two sides of one coin. Do you find it confusing ?? let’s discuss this further, we all know that we can learn with the help of various methods – for example, we are learning while reading a book, acquiring new skills, joining an institution and, of course, we learn from our environments such as family, friends, Our own thoughts and Media. So, whatever we have learnt till now is it working for us or against us?

To find this we need to answer some FAQs
Rate yourself on the scale of 1————————————–10 and if you get your sum <40 then come and walk with us for an extra mile!

Q 1. Do you update yourself on industry trends, reviews and marketing?
Q 2. Are you confident while communicating in public on various topics?
Q 3. Do you find yourself well-groomed and dressed appropriately on different occasions?
Q 4. Are you ready to face the professional world?
Q 5. How good is your Time Management?
Q 6. How well can you hold your strengths and weaknesses?
Q 7. How well do you handle study/work pressure?
Q 8. How do you rate your motivational levels?
Q 9. Do you aim and achieve your goals?
Q 10. How do you rate yourself at perception level with people around you?
Learn to Unlearn!

You must be wondering what is unlearn? Let’s dive deeper into this. Till today, you kept on learning knowingly or unknowingly a lot of things from your environment and people around you or, maybe you are born with this knowledge! So, they have taken some space in your brain and you started believing in them profoundly!! I know our brain has no limit but we need to unlearn some of them to make space for both new and the right methods!!

Let us take a very simple example – that you have a particular hairstyle but you are not happy with your look; so go for a change and take professional help!! This is an example of changing your physical appearance and the same way you can change your thinking pattern with some proven techniques. But you need to unlearn those old methods which are not working for you anymore. You will be able to perform much better with a “New Righteous” approach towards life. So, “Make some space”, be flexible, adapt, keep learning and growing………….with new ideas !!
You can make it happen by walking an Extra Mile with us too!

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